We hope you enjoy Desert Blog Shop as much as we do. It is a great resource to buy items at amazing prices or sell your items at much higher prices than you could get at a garage sale and without the hassle of shipping you would have on Ebay. It is also a great resource for posting and finding out about community events and even finding homes for pets.
To keep all of this going and the site maintained, the Administrators of the site work everyday monitoring posts and maintaining photos. As our membership increases the amount of time it takes daily to maintain the site increases. The Administrators of DBS are not paid for the hours of work this takes daily. If you are happy with what you purchased or what you have sold, or even the information you have received on here please consider donating. The recommended donation of $18 per year (which works out to a mere $1.50 per month) would help compensate the Administrators for their time. You pay for this just by the money you saved on something you purchased on this site or by selling something for a great price.
We also want to give back to the community! A portion of every dollar collected will be donated to local charities. So, not only are you helping the Administrators keep this amazing site going, YOU are also giving back to our community! Let's keep working together to make this place great.